德国法兰克福肉类加工工业展览会IFFA 时间: 2025年5月3日 -- 2025年5月8日
IFFA 涵盖了肉类和替代蛋白质的加工、包装和销售的整个市场。从而为全球食品行业提供了一个创新和交流的平台。
IFFA2022 :在六天的时间里,860 家参展商展示了肉类和替代蛋白质的可持续高效生产和包装的创新。来自 129 个国家/地区的约 50,000 名参观者对“他们的”行业会议非常满意。
自1949年以来,IFFA在法兰克福聚集了来自世界各地与肉类加工和包装设备相关的参展商和参观者。在IFFA,您可以从全球角度了解该行业的现状,了解肉类行业加工链各个阶段(从动物屠宰到包装)的机械和设备的独特视角。IFFA是肉类行业不容错过的盛会,每 3 年一次,这要归功于所展示产品范围的广度和深度,以及参会的参展商和买家数量众多。
The World’s Leading Trade Fair – Technology for Meat and Alternative Proteins
IFFA covers the entire market for processing, packaging and selling of meat and alternative proteins. Thus offering the global food industry a platform for innovation and networking.
Emotional and successful
The emotions and the pleasure about the personal reunion at #IFFA2022 were high: For six days, 860 exhibitors presented innovations for sustainable and efficient production and packaging of meat and alternative proteins. About 50 000 visitors and from 129 countries were more than satisfied with 'their' industry meeting.
活动简介 IFFA - 肉类行业国际贸易展览会
地点: 法兰克福展览中心
Ingmar Stork
Sales, Hallen: 8.0, 9.0, 11.0, 11.1
Phone +49 69 75 75-52 03
Fax +49 69 75 75-50 66
Sylvia Pielka
Sales, 9.1, 12.0, 12.1, Agora, Galleria
Phone +49 69 75 75-53 36
Fax +49 69 75 75-50 66
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